Sunday, March 9, 2008

We experienced a Chamorro feast in the village of Yona. We met two brothers who are traveling to Iwo Jima to honor their father who was killed in action on the island.

Talked to numerous Marines and scholars who think this is a once in a lifetime learning experience for Gabe.

We viewed a video lecture on the occupation of Guam by the Japanese and attended another lecture about the role of Tinian and the dropping of the atomic bomb.


andrej647 said...

hey coach walker, its andrew johnson, 1st period. looks like your having a great trip and learning a lot. how did you get to iwa jima from guam? did you take a boat or plane?

John Satriano said...

How's it going coach walker? It's John Satriano from your first period. How has your trip been so far? It looks like you are getting a lot of information. And I was also wondering how you got to Gaum from Iwo Jima. That would be pretty cool if you took a boat.

John Satriano said...

It's John Satriano again, sorry but i wasn't sure if i was supposed to type up the homework we were assigned by the sub on friday march the 7th, so i did it just in case. Here it is:
John Satriano - 1st period - 3/9/08
Island Hopping - U.S WWII strategy of conquering only the Pacific islands that were important to the Allied advance toward Japan.

Kamikaze - Japanese suicide planes during WWII.

Battle of Iwo Jima - Six weeks struggle for control of a key Pacific island that resulted in an Allied victory.

Battle of Okinawa - bloody battle in the pacific during WWII; resulted in an Allied victory.

Manhattan Project - Secret U.S project begun in 1942 to develop an atomic bomb.

Enola Gay - U.S B-29 bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945.

Alamogordo, New Mexico - where the first atomic bomb was dropped on July 16, 1945.

andrew burns said...

Hey Coach it's Andrew Burns from your first period class. I see that your having a pretty good time in Iwa Jima . I'm sure that it's pretty cool to actually experience what it was like during the invasion. I also completed the homework assignment from Friday and im planning to turn all of the assignments into the sub teacher. Is that okay? Hope to hear from you soon

Debbie said...

Love your blogs....inquiring minds want to know: how's the food, hotel, weather, time change, and when do you get to go to Iwo Jima?

shelby klutts said...

hey coach walker! its shelby klutts from ur favorite class! hope ur having a good trip so far! when you actually get onto the island, what is the first thing u do or they show you?

Adam Lyon said...

Hey Coach,

I was reading you post and I was wonder who or what is Tinian and what did it had to do with the dropping of the atomic bomb.

-Adam Lyon

to tuff said...


What up?
How is the weather? Hope you got it straight with Katy ISD.
Keep the updates coming. I read your post to the class this morning.


Unknown said...

hey coach walker it's Jorge Reyes, Mickey Cuarezma, and Hugo Casarrubias. Well seems that it is very interesting there. Wish i was there. Well we got a question what is a Chamarro feast? Also were is the village of Yona, is it in Guam? Well hope you are having a good time see you soon.

Coach Walker said...

We leave on a charter flight to Iwo from Guam. We leave the hotel at 1:00 AM and return to Guam at 7:00 PM.

Unfortunately, Guam announced a quarantine and will not let us bring back more than 1 small vial of sand. Many people had made the trip for numerous requests for sand (like me).

Coach Walker said...

Great job on the questions, Tony Soprano!

Coach Walker said...

Good job...Burnsie...

Klutts, when you get on the island of Guam, you have to go to customs. If you bring something in - even accidentally - that is banned (like plants or organic material) you get hit with a $10,000 fine. It actually happened to one of the other tour group members.

Adam Lyon, interesting question because in our tour group is an expert and author is lives on Tinian. Tinian is a Mariannas Island where the bomb parts were shipped and loaded on the airplanes. Seven B-29's were on the mission but only 1 had the bomb. Others took off first to check the weather in all the target cities (4 cities were targetted.) Hiroshima's weather was good so .....Other planes filmed the trip.

Reyes, Hugo, and Mickey...thanks for writing. A Chamarro is a native islander. Many parts of Guam are small villages in the jungle. It dates back to when the ruling clans each had their own family group. The mayor of each small village is a bigshot in town and the villages are known for welcoming visitors and it is one way of expressing social status. The local kids get out of school - those in the dance club - and come and perform for us as we arrive. People throughout the village stand on each side and shake our hands and say "Hafa Adai"...(half a day) meaning "Welcome." And a big table is spread out with local food and desserts and such and they feed us for free.

Coach Walker said...

It rains about once every two hours on Guam. Anything from a big solid rain to a light sprinkle. Most of the time, it lasts for only minutes.

Thousands of Japanese tourists are everywhere and a lot of the signs and songs broadcast out on the streets are in Japanese.

Guam is real proud of - all things - having the largest K-Mart in the world, so shopping busses take you all around the city and the main stop is K-Mart! I rode one last night. Nobody would sit next to me - guess I look strange because there aren't many big,fat, baldheaded Japanese....

Tomorrow at 1:00 we go to Iwo.

Anonymous said...

coach walker i was not sure that we had to type the difenitions i just did today.
This is Jared Hernandez from 1th period, you said to me that i could still turn in the cards project, but im not sure when i could turn it in. This is because my partner who was Chistopher did not finished his part for the project at time so he kept forgetting to do it.

Island Hopping - the means of crossing an ocean by a series of shorter journeys between islands, as opposed to a single journey directly across the ocean to the destination.

Kamikaze - a japanese word meaning suicide attacks by military aviators from japan.

Battle of Okinawa - fought on the Japanese island of Okinawa, was the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific Theater.

Battle of Iwo Jima - The battle was the first American attack on the Japanese Home Islands and the Imperial soldiers defended their positions tenaciously. Of the 21,000 Japanese soldiers present at the beginning of the battle, over 20,000 were killed and only 216 taken prisoner.

Enola Gay - is the name given to the B-29 Superfortress bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb, code-named "Little Boy".

Alamogordo, New Mexico - The first atomic bomb in history was detonated at the Alamogordo Test Range on July 16, 1945. The site of the explosion, called Trinity Site, is located on property owned by the present-day White Sands Missile Range.

Manhattan Project - was the project to develop the first nuclear weapon (atomic bomb) during World War II by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Unknown said...

How are you doing, Coach Walker? This is Joshua Perkins from your second period class. I was wondering if the Japanese had knowledge that the atomic bomb was on the island of Tinian and why did they not attempt to bomb it?

Cheeks_09 said...

Hey Coach Walker, Its Cheeks from 3rd period, I hope you having fun!!!! I wonder what was the first thing you did when you got there?

kissa_sales said...

hey coach, your trip sounds like a blast, how was the flight, how long was it? i know when i went to the philippines it took a good eighteen hours to get there and i know guam isnt that far from there, so i was wondering if so far you've learned anything new you didnt know about before?

Adam Lyon said...

Hey Coach,

What were the other 2 cities that were targeted for atomic bomb drops?

Also we here alot about Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, but why do we never hear anything about the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki?

-Adam Lyon

phill the ninja said...

how's it goin' coach, I was just wanderin' what a chamarro Feast was, but I forgot to sing up to leave a coment so I have to repost it

Unknown said...

whats up coach? it's will 2nd period and i was just wounder whether the Japanese tunnels and bunkers still exist Iwo Jima? and if so can u go in them?

Anonymous said...

Hey Coach! its surfer from 3rd period. Hows the island? Did you take a boat to the island or plane? I would take a plane because I live in the fast lane. So have a fun time while we're stuck with a boring substitute.

Chelsea Wood said...

Hey Coach! It's Chelsea Wood from your 3rd Period! So how'd that feast go? Sounds kinda gross if you ask me... GUAM FOOD!? No thanks. Is it anything like mexican food?

Coach Walker said...

Chelsea...great question on the Guam food....yes to me Chamorro food is very much like Mexican food....but they like BBQ a lot and coconut everything....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry for being so late. But is there still any visual evidence of the bomb?
-Charles Grealy
3rd period

Gabrielle_Nicole said...

Hey Coach walker I was wondering since you saw a video or whatever about the atomic bomb did they tell you everything about the atomic bomb. Because I think it would be interesting to know exactly how it was formed and exactly what it did.

-GAbrielle Macon per. 1

liangyao hu said...

coach walker, sorry i did my hw late but i hope u can accept this. i saw ur blog all those pic looks tite i wish i could be there so i can know more about the history.

i have learned alot about the war between US and japan and how it starts and ends.

Btw... is this the site i submit my hw???? plz answer back or ill #%$&*^..hehe take care coach

Anonymous said...

Coach Walker -
My mom was Jack Chevignys' finance.
She married his brother, Jule, after the war.
What is your e-mail address so that I can learn more about my uncle.
Thanks / Jim Chevigny

Coach Walker said...


I can't email you my address if I have no email address from you.